Resultados: 28

Consulta de enfermagem com abordagem sindrômica: perspectivas do ensino por enfermeiros

Objetivo: compreender o significado do ensino da consulta de enfermagem com abordagem sindrômica para enfermeiros. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, sustentada na Fenomenologia Social, realizada com 19 enfermeiros docentes e assistenciais de quatro hospitais universitários da região metropolitana do Rio ...

Educação permanente em saúde e o procedimento operacional padrão: pesquisa convergente assistencial

Pouco conhecimento se tinha acerca da legislação vigente sobre educação permanente em saúde e que o desconhecimento do sentido pleno limitava às formas de contato com os POPs. Porém, as soluções encontradas pelo grupo, mesmo que este não tenha se constituído uniformemente ao longo dos encontro...

O gerenciamento de riscos ocupacionais e as interferências na saúde do trabalhador: revisão integrativa

To identify the main interference of work on oil rigs in occupational health; describe the actuation of nurse in the management of occupational risks on oil rigs; analyze how risk management can promote occupational health worker. Method: an integrative review, in order to answer the following research q...

Fatores facilitadores do ensino-aprendizagem na formação do enfermeiro: uma revisão integrativa

To reveal the factors that facilitate the teaching-learning process in the training of nurses. Method: it is an integrative review, aiming to answer the following research question: What is produced on the teaching-learning process in the formation of the nurse? Results: we selected seven productions in ...

A interferência do estresse no trabalhador de enfermagem no ambiente hospitalar e sua relaçãocomo fator de risco para a ocorrência de câncer

to identify the interference of stress on the health of nursing workers at the hospital environment; describe the problems due to stress in these professionals and to evaluate the relationship of stress as a risk factor to the propensity of cancer in nursing workers' health at the hospital environment. M...

Assistência de enfermagem a idosos com traumas ósseos: uma revisão integrativa

Objective: To describe the profile of the elderly victims of bone trauma and as how nursing has been active in assisting these clients. Method: integrative Review, held in LILACS database with the keywords: Elderly, Nursing and Trauma, in order to answer the following question: <<”What is the profile of...

O impacto da atuação dos enfermeiros na perspectiva dos cuidadores de idosos com demência

Objective: describing the opinion of the people who are taking care of seniors with dementia about the actuation of the nursing in their benefit and identifying the results of the nursing aid in the opinion of the people who are taking care of seniors with dementia. Method: it is an exploratory and descr...

O enfermeiro do trabalho na identificação dos riscos ocupacionais em medicina hiperbárica

Objective: to elaborate the risk map; identify the occupational risks to workers in a clinical of hyperbaric medicine, to describe actions/ preventive measures for the nurse's work to reduce the risks. Method: This is a descriptive and an exploratory study, with a qualitative approach. The risk map was d...

A dinâmica de grupo como estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem na disciplina de gerenciamento de enfermagem

Objective: To describe and evaluate the participation of academics and identify their perception about the importance of group dynamics for learning Nursing Management. Method: A qualitative and exploratory approach. The data were collected in the School of Nursing of the Federal Fluminense University, t...

A complexidade do trabalho de enfermagem no hospital de custódia e tratamento psiquiátrico

Objective: to analyse the ways in which professional nurses to lead with the complexity of the work at the Hospital for Custody and Psychiatric Treatment. Method: Descriptive and qualitative research with 15 professional nurses. Data collection occurred through the semi-structured interview, and thematic...